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Diary[遊戲]2D 闖關卡冒險遊戲《Gish》
[ idsky 發表於 2008/6/5 下午 05:42:00 ]



充滿原創精神的冒險遊戲-《Gish》,曾獲得Gametunnel.com網站評比滿分10分、PC Gamer雜誌85%高分,連紐約時報也忍不住讚美:「這款精緻、簡單、快速而有趣的遊戲,卻擁有會導致可怕結果的原創性質」。遊戲中的「Gish」是一隻可愛的瀝青寶寶,玩家必須操縱它進入下水道,去拯救被怪物抓走的女朋友,錯綜複雜的地下管道和數不清的陷阱怪物考驗著玩家的反應,不時還要依循從深處不斷傳來的女友慘叫前進。遊戲包含可破壞的環境場景和真實的物理效果,「Gish」可藉由本身的黏稠特質,在牆壁上四處遊走,或是推倒石磚跨越火海,甚至踩在不斷旋轉的磚條上擊敗敵人。《Gish》擁有34個故事關卡和5個超級秘密關卡,還有超過80種玩家自製的關卡可以下載。

Gish isn't your average hero. In fact, he's not your average anything...you see, Gish is a ball of tar. A Sunday stroll with his lady friend, Brea, goes awry when a shadowy figure emerges from an open manhole and pulls Brea below ground. Following Brea's calls for help, Gish suddenly finds himself in the subterranean sewers of Dross, a long forgotten city filled with twisting corridors, evil traps, and some of the most demented creatures imaginable.

With his gelatinous structure as his only means of defense, Gish must follow the echoing cries of his damsel in distress deep within the earth below. What freakish creatures dwell in this subterranean land? Who is Brea's captor? And just how far down does the rabbit hole go?

Life isn't easy when you're a 12 pound ball of tar...

Dynamic physics and lighting
Destructible environments
34+ story levels
20+ collection levels
80+ player-made levels available for download
Six unique VS. modes
Unlockable game modes
Over 15 animated enemies
Six deranged bosses
Five "super secret" levels
Level editor


Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, Linux or OSX 10.1+,
AMD, Intel or G3 1000+ Mhz processor;
OpenGL Compatible 3D Graphics adaptor(ATI, NVIDIA, Intel, etc.)with 32 mb of video memory;
256MB of memory


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【解壓縮密碼】:by idsky


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